From my office in Echo Park, I navigate to the small dirt parking lot on Griffith Park Drive (next to the large Travel Town parking lot) about 200 feet south of the intersection with Zoo Drive (exit Forest Lawn Drive from the 134). There are four cars in the lot and it’s a pleasant 74 degrees.
3:48 PM - Begin hike. I walk across the street, turn left, and walk along the street for about 200 feet to where the trail crosses the road. Across the street, Skyline Trail heads east up the mountainside. I turn right then veer left unto Oak Canyon Trail, a wide dirt road heading south. This is a main thoroughfare for horseback riders coming from the large equestrian center across the river/freeway and into the park. The wide trail parallels Griffith Park Drive under a canopy of oak and sycamore. The ascent is gentle. I’m greeted by some wildflowers: Botta's Clarkia, phacelia,

4:09 - Junction with Hollywood Drive (0.65 miles from the start). The map totally fails to render this junction accurately and poses confusion to anyone who is relying on it for navigation (I give the cartographers at Cartifact, Inc. a C- in map making. This LaBonge map looks attractive but is riddled with bad errors.). I cross the gated Mt. Hollywood Drive and continue east on the dirt road, now climbing steeply. In a couple minutes I reach another junction and have to consult the aerials for guidance. I take a sharp right and begin my ascent south on Toyon Trail. There are virtually no trail signs in the park, so without a map and navigational skills, a hiker would have no idea what trail is what.
The dirt road climbs steeply now as views open up to the west, east, and north. Some machinery noise coming from above spoils the serenity of the setting. Soon the trail reaches the northern edge of the Toyon Canyon Restoration Project. That’s a euphemistic way of saying they are trying to mitigate the effects of 16 million tons of trash dumped here between 1957 and 1985 covering 90 acres of our beloved park. I’m sure Col. Griffith would have had some choice words about this if had still been around.
I get my first peek at Mt. Bell, Mt. Chapel, and Mt. Lee poking up in the distance. I stop to photograph some mustard.

Soon I reach a split in the trail and veer left and descend about a 100 yards to a paved road. Again I confer with the aerials because the LaBonge map is useless here. This appears to be an access road connecting Mt. Hollywood Drive (right) to the restoration facility (left). The bridal path (not show on the map) continues across the road. The path climbs briefly to the edge of the landfill and follows a rail fence south. A yellow sign is on the fence facing the other direction. I climb the fence to read it. It says, “Watch out for rattlesnakes.” That’s odd. Why is it facing toward the landfill and not the trail?

4:46 - Junction. The trail arrives at Mt. Hollywood Drive and an entrance to a sanitation facility. I again consult the map and aerials. I cross the driveway and continue on the narrow path alongside a fence and building. After the building, the trail turns left (east), still paralleling the paved road. Soon the road hairpins but the trail continues east as it becomes steep and rocky.

5:01 - Three-way junction with North Trail and Mt. Hollywood Trail (dirt roads). Now I am on familiar ground. I previously hiked North Trail from Mineral Wells Picnic Area to Mt. Bell. Four guys are coming down the road, the first persons I have encountered on this hike. I turn right (south) and proceed on Mt. Hollywood Trail. I’m enjoying the exercise, sunshine, pleasant breezes, and expanding views. I stop to photograph lance-leaf dudleya with its orange blossoms

5:14 - Junction Vista Del Valle Drive (paved road). My original plan is to climb Mt. Bell, but as I look west, Mt. Chapel looks appealing. I decide to stick with the plan, turn left, and walk about 50 years to continue up the trail which ascends the north flank of Mt. Bell. The dense chaparral is rich and mature on these north-facing slopes. Glendale and eastern Burbank sprawl out before me in the afternoon sun. I reach the junction which provides the option to circle around Mt. Bell from the east or west. I choose east and continue straight. In another minute I reach the junction (#39) with the trail coming up from the east. I continue straight. Five equestrians ride past.

When I arrive at the north/south ridgeline between Mt. Hollywood and Baby Bell, I get impulsive. Rather than turning right and going to Mt. Bell, I veer left and head to Mt. Hollywood. Just being spontaneous. Fare amount of foot traffic. Breeze is cool. At the four-way junction, a sign has been erected memorializing LAPD Officer Jeffrey B. Lindenberg, killed in the line of duty on June 11, 1976.

I continue up the wide dirt road and take the southern road of the two parallel routes to the summit. The southern panorama toward Downtown Los Angeles opens up. Down at Griffith Observatory, some kind of large tent has been set up in the parking lot.

5:43 - Mt. Hollywood (1625’). I always enjoy this peak. On a clear day, the grand view south toward the Los Angeles sprawl is spectacular. Today it is somewhat muted by haze, but not bad. There are a few people here and some coming and going. To the west, Mt. Lee and the Hollywood sign stand in blurred silhouette against dipping sun. I don’t linger long. I leave at 5:50.
I return to the four-way junction via the north route and retrace my steps along the ridgeline. I reach the south junction for Baby Bell at 6:01 and climb straight up.

6:04 - Baby Bell (1560+). This is great little peak with a commanding vista of the park’s interior and beyond. It’s not formally named but has been dubbed Baby Bell because of its close proximity to the taller Mt. Bell to its northwest. I leave the summit at 6:06 descending north. It’s quite slippery and careful steps are required. I’m thankful to reach the dirt road safely. There is a man sitting on the bolder atop Mt. Bell.

6:15 - Mt. Bell (1582’). This is my most-visited peak in Griffith Park, probably because its central location makes it accessible from any approach around the park. Lots of good memories of hikes to here. And I almost always have it to myself. I enjoy the views in all directions. Tiny figures stroll along the various trails far below me. There is a cool breeze. The sunset is in about hour, so I don’t linger long here today.

6:23 - Leave Mt. Bell and descend the southwest approach. The narrow use path is slippery in places and requires careful steps. Eight minutes delivers me to the road. I turn right and head west to make this hike a loop.
I turn right on paved Mt. Hollywood Drive and in about 200 feet turn right on Vista Del Valle Drive.

6:42 - Junction with Mt. Hollywood Trail. I turn left and now retrace my steps. The noisy girls follow and soon I decide to let them pass. I reach the junction of Toyon Trail at 6:49 and turn left (west) It’s somewhat steep and rocky, so I guard my steps. The setting sun illuminates the waves of tall yellow grass. I photograph the blossoms of mule fat, which I didn’t notice earlier. When I reach the junction to the sanitation facility, I transition onto the paved road for the short segment before getting back on the trail. At the bench and water fountains, some guy has taken up residence for the night. A small herd of five does graze on the grassy hillside of the landfill.

I snap my last shots of the sun dropping below the ridgeline, 7 minutes before sunset. I love the beauty of dusk.
7:20 - Junction with Oak Canyon Trail (exactly at today’s sunset time). I turn left and saunter along dirt road enjoying the transition from day to night. Equestrians and a dog walker are also enjoying the trail.
7:39 - End hike. It’s 69 degrees and there are three cars in the lot aside from mine.
Epilog - What a nice hike! The lower portion was as I suspected with various trail segments cobbled together amidst man-made trappings. But it’s fun to navigate and explore new portions of my beloved park. I always enjoy visiting Mt. Hollywood, Baby Bell, and Mt. Bell. Scant rain has made for parched conditions. But pleasant temperatures, cool breezes, flowers, wildlife, sweeping visits, splendid peaks, a lovely sunset, and good exercise made for a rewarding outing.
(includes links to my other blog posts for hiking in Griffith Park)
(includes more detailed description for the approaches to Mt. Bell)
NEXT > Burbank Peak, Cahuenga Peak, and Mt. Lee - June 24, 2015
PREVIOUS > Bee Rock and Mt. Bell via Old Zoo Park - March 13, 2014
I've always wanted to hike Griffith Park and this has convinced me further I need to just drive the 1.5 miles over to Los Angeles and complete it. Thank you for the motivation!