I have had an unusual eagerness in hitting the trial in Fish Canyon today. I’ve been on this trial many times before, but this time is different. On Tuesday, January 25, voters in Azusa made a decision that will forever and inextricable change the face of Fish Canyon. In a 2-1 margin of victory, Azusans voted to uphold a July 17, 2010 city council decision which approved a new mining plan for Vulcan Materials, which owns 270 acres at the mouth of Fish Canyon.
The yearlong battle over mining in Fish Canyon has caused me to reflect on my own experiences with Fish Canyon and Van Tassel Ridge dating back to February 1997. Two years earlier year I had purchased my first copy of John Robinson’s Trails of the Angeles and was excited to see a trail description for Fish Canyon Falls. Unfortunately the mining operation in the mouth of the canyon restricted access. On February 24, 1997, me, my 12-year-old son, Micah, and his friend, Ricky launched out on our first adventure to Fish Canyon taking advantage of an offer by the mining company, CalMat, to providing free shuttle service through the quarry. That outing was marred by a CalMat employee who horribly berated and mistreated us for inadvertently parking in the wrong place. I’ll spare you the details, but his shameful treatment of us was not a very good public relations move and put a very nasty face on the mining company.

Over the next several years, Vulcan provided four consecutive access days in April and May, which became an annual hike for me. In the past several years, Vulcan increased the access days to be scattered throughout the year. I wondered about Vulcan’s motives...was it a PR move to gain public support for their mining plan, or was it an altruistic desire to be good neighbors? Or maybe a little of both? Regardless of the motive, I greatly appreciated the access days, as did the public, showing up by the hundreds on each day. And Jasen Talley and his team always have been gracious hosts, putting a kind face on a big company.

So it is with an eagerness that I show up on this Saturday to hike Fish Canyon. As I drive into the Vulcan parking lot, I am a surprised to see a gazillion cars and a sizable crowd at the sign-in table. I sign in, jump in a van and off we go. As we drive through the quarry, I look at the 40-foot Mayan benches and visualize them being replaced by 12-inch micro-benches as part of the new reclamation plan.

10:34 - Take a side jaunt to Darlin’ Donna Falls. It is flowing nicely. I climb the steep bank on the left to get a view of its upper cascades. Continue on. There is a clustering of hikers at the main stream crossing where one by one they negotiate the rushing creek. I saunter along the east bank now as the trail climbs the canyon wall. At times it feels like the 210 freeway at rush hour as streams of hikers trod the narrow path. I do more trimming en route.

11:20 - Fish Canyon Falls. The roar of the 80-foot, three-tier waterfall and the happy sounds of voices echo off the steep rock walls. I count about 60 people. The scene is alive. I linger a while and enjoy watching people enjoy this wonderful place.
12:00 - Leave falls. Continue to trim plants. The weather is perfect. I put on my work gloves and remove a pile of rocks from the trail. Enjoying some nice spans of solitude as the crowds are thinning. Taking lots of pics with different lighting now. Loving the hike. Pondering what I’ll write in the blog.

Epilog - I am excited about the new easy-access trail that will be built through the quarry as part of the new mining plan. Hikers will be able to enjoy a nice 5-mile hike 24/7/365. No more shuttles and crowds and time constraints (See Fish Canyon Falls - A New Era - June 21, 2014 Grand Opening ). But I think I’ll miss these access days. There is something special about a shared experience, about being with hundreds of others and partaking of nature’s treasure together. Ah, but I guess there will always be Icehouse Canyon and Mt. Baldy!

NEXT > Fish Canyon Falls Hike - March 19, 2011
PREVIOUS > Fish Canyon Falls Hike - September 25, 2010